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Rooting For You Farm

Butterfly Weed

Butterfly Weed

Regular price $2.00 USD
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Approx Seeds/Pack: 40

Asclepias tuberosa, Butterfly Weed, is most often a distinctive bright orange but there is some variation in flower color, from deep red-orange to yellow. This distinctive color and the absence of the typical milky white sap that other Milkweed species have make identification easy. The leaves are somewhat narrow, up to 1” and tapered, with no stem and dark green in color.
This is a great Milkweed for a sunny location in a dry area. Mature plants in ideal locations can make as many as 20 stems at an average height of 2’. The vivid orange color, low mounded profile, and ability to attract and sustain butterflies make this plant a well-known landscape favorite for all types of gardens. Like all species in the Asclepias genus, Asclepias tuberosa is one of the larval host plants for the monarch butterfly.
Butterfly Weed needs a drier, well-drained location to successfully seed into and grow well. In older plants the long tap root can extend down many feet. Due to this deep, drought-tolerant tap root, it can be late to emerge in the spring, especially in northern climates, so be patient. Butterfly Weed can be transplanted if dug carefully during dormancy but if the tap root breaks off, they will regrow. *The dormant tap root you may receive can be difficult to tell which end is up. There is usually a noticable end that is not trimmed ;that is the bottom of the root. When in doubt, you can plant it approx 3" deep, on its side.  It will reach for light/warmth and straighten out on its own.
Sun Exposure Full, Partial
Soil Moisture Medium, Medium-Dry, Dry
Height 2 feet
Bloom Time June, July, August
Bloom Color Orange
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