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Rooting For You Farm



Regular price $1.00 USD
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Seeds/pack: 25

Fenugreek seeds are easy to grow and the herb plant has nutritional value. This annual is widely cultivated for use as a medicinal herb and as a culinary herb. It has leaves that have 3 lobes and look clover-like, and it produces small cream to yellow colored flowers. It is nicely scented. Fenugreek plants are native to the Mediterranean region. India is a large producer of the herb seeds.

Fenugreek seeds are used as a culinary herb and spice. Some people eat the seeds as you would eat sunflower seeds, but most often Fenugreek seeds are used in making curry. The young, tender leaves can be sprinkled into salads as well. As a medicinal herb, Fenugreek has a long history of use. It is said to relieve sore throats, help with diabetes by acting as a sugar-regulating agent, improve high cholesterol, and it is given to lactating women to increase the production of milk.

How To Grow Fenugreek Herb Seeds: Start Fenugreek seeds directly outdoors after danger of frost has passed. The Fenugreek herb does not transplant well, so it is best to start it in the herb garden or in a container where it will stay. Grow the herb plant in full sun and in rich soil that has had organic matter worked in. Cut the seed pods off the Fenugreek herb plant once they have ripened. Allow the seeds pods to finish drying in the sun and store the herb seeds in airtight containers.

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